Finally got my Bachelors 🎓 | تخرجت !

by - January 25, 2017

So ..  Finally I graduated and got my Marketing Bachelor Degree !!
It feels (I don't know actually how it feels like lol!) because all what happened since that day , I was getting nightmares about my exams and the Uni. I have been dreaming about courses that I took two years ago which is insane! Anyway .. I'm gonna split this post into two parts where I explain my feelings about graduation and the other part will be for those who are considering to study marketing or even explore it by reading or taking online courses.

How does it feel like ?
For me I have been putting sooo much efforts when I started studying at my Uni. I have been an honor student for the past (almost five years). It was not that easy and there have been times where I got depressed .. where I cried .. where I just wished that graduation comes fast.

You know what happened when there were just few days before graduating ?
I freaked out. I started staying till they literally close the Uni. I wanted to stay. I didn't want to leave. I think it was because of the fact that I got emotionally attached to the places, people and memories (every thing happened there within the last five years), and it was hard to move on. I stopped talking about marketing for days after graduating. I went through post graduation depression even though I started getting back to work on my own business after a short break so i was busy but still depressed. Now after two weeks of thinking, everything started to go back in track again. I read marketing articles, listen to related podcasts and talk about my passion "Marketing" again like how I used to do before. I used to do business and marketing related webinars and that what I'm planning to do right now. I'm having that vision of what I want to do and I'm trying to set the plan for that. It is not just a goal or a dream to make true, it have been always a journey that I would like to live and my Marketing journey is about to start.

So, I know some people who are considering studying Marketing as a major which always makes me happy honestly. Also I know way more people that want to know about Marketing because they want to start their own business. Now if you chose to study Marketing as a major please know that it is not easier than the other majors of business and management what so ever. It just depends on what you're passionate about and what you're good at. I have been studying marketing and I have been seeing those students who just don't know what the course is about and they simply fail the course. Guess what ? I thought marketing doesn't have any relationship with numbers and I ended up doing statistics in some of my marketing courses and I had to deal with numbers in any project. That being said, you will still see many people sitting around you in this same major that don't care about studying in general just because they thought this is the easiest major (that is the case in Kuwait). The fun part is what you're going to study can be applied in real life. You will feel how real it is and that will make you exited even more. Real examples will start popping in your head and you will enjoy the journey of studying this major. I really recommend choosing specific sub majors within marketing to focus on deeply either by reading or any other way to be skillful with it during your study or after your Bachelor. Marketing is huge as major and there are so many different sub majors under the Marketing umbrella. Choose what you're really passionate about and dig deep into that sub major. For those who just want to understand marketing because they're about to start their own small business, reading and taking short and small courses will work for you.

Hope you enjoyed reading my post .. See you soon.
Thank you =)

ترجمة مُختصرة :

مؤخراً تخرجت من الجامعة بتخصص إدارة أعمال - تسويق .. ترجمة شعوري صعبة للأمانة
ببساطة لأني من اليوم الي تخرجت فيه وأنا أحلم بامتحاناتي و بالجامعة و دخلت بموجة إنه كل شي وقف
والغريب إني أساساً من تخرجت على طول انشغلت بالمؤسسة وما كان في وقت للتفكير لكن ما زال في شي وشعور غريب. التدوينة راح تنقسم لقسمين. القسم الأول يصف شعوري وقت التخرج وتجربتي والقسم الثاني راح يكون للناس الي تفكر تدرس تسويق كتخصص او للي حابة تعرف عنه وتدرسه بشكل مبسط لأنها حابة تدعم هالشي بمشروعها الخاص.

شلون كان شعوري وقت التخرج ؟ بالنسبة لي أنا شخص بذل مجهود حيل كبير بسنين الجامعة لسبب واحد إني كنت حابة تخصصي وكنت حاطة هدف التفوق بعين الاعتبار والحمدلله حققته على مدى هالسنوات. ما كان الموضوع سهل أبداً .. كان في أيام كنت اضغط فيها حيل لدرجة إني ما اقعد مع اهلي من ضغط الدراسة ، لدرجة كنت أتمنى أتخرج بأسرع وقت. لكن لما وصلنا للعد التنازلي الصجي ولما صارت الأيام الأخيرة تنعد على أصابع اليد تغير الوضع تماماً! صرت أقعد بالجامعه حتى وأنا ما عندي كلاسات. كنت أدرس بالمكتبة أكثر وصرت أتأمل الجامعة .. كنت متعلقة فيها وكان الموضوع صعب لآخر لحظة كنت مو متخيلة إني بطلع خلاص. بعدها حسيت كل شي وقف لدرجة إني ما صرت أتكلم عن الشي الي دوم أتكلم عنه واهوا التسويق لأيام .. بعدها بأيام رجع كل شي طبيعي الحمدلله ورجعت روان الي قبل تقرا مقالات تسويقية وتسمع بودكاست عن هالمواضيع ومثل ما عهدتوني برجع أسوي دورات اون لاين وامسيات مسموعة عن هالمجال. صارت الرؤية واضحة بالنسبة لي وشنو بالضبط حابة أسوي ومستمتعة بهالرحلة.

خلال الفترة الماضية انسئلت وايد عن التخصص وهل أنصح فيه ولا لا ولذلك أقول لكل شخص حاب يدرس التسويق كتخصص دراسي لازم يعرف إنه التسويق ما يقل صعوبة عن أي تخصص آخر بإدارة الأعمال. الاختيار لازم يكون مبني على شنو الشخص يحب وشنو شاطر فيه. بالنسبة لي توقعت الماركتنق ماله علاقة بالأرقام ولا شعوريا شفت نفسي استخدم الارقام بكل بروجكت نسويه و ببعض المواد يدخل فيها الاحصاء بتعمق. بالنسبة لايجابيات التخصص فهو تخصص ممتع ومرتبط بالواقع بشكل مباشر يعني اغلب الي يُدرس تقدرون تربطونه بأمثلة حقيقة وهذا شي ممتع جداً. بالنسبة للي محتاجين التسويق لمشروعهم الخاص فالقراءة بهالمجال والكورسات القصيرة تفي بالغرض.

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